Jack Nourafshan’s Blog

How to Build a Philanthropic Company Culture
Are you passionate about philanthropy as a business owner? Many people want to be able to give back to the community in meaningful ways, but they struggle to figure out how to make philanthropy a part of their companies. Keep reading to learn how you can build a...

Fostering Team Connection Remotely
Around the world, working remotely has become the new normal for many companies and their employees. While remote work certainly has a host of benefits and advantages, there are also a number of challenges as well. One of those challenges is fostering remote...

Effectively Leading a Company Remotely
Businesses in every industry are shifting to remote work environments to cut down on costs, attract talent over large geographic areas, and provide employees with more flexibility. Although there are many benefits to remote work, it can pose challenges for managers....

Promoting Wellness for Remote Employees
Last year companies went remote in staggering numbers.. Due to the pandemic, most businesses were forced to adapt quickly to working from home. This meant that not only did leaders have to ensure that their employees were able to handle the shift and remain engaged,...

How To Implement Corporate Philanthropy
As a real estate development professional and president of Reliable Properties in Los Angeles, California, Jack Nourafshan has gained a strong understanding of business practices over the years. One of the business practices that he has seen growth in recent years is...

Charity Across America Dropped Last Year
Charity has long been a way to give back to others. There is also a tax benefit that comes from giving. It's possible to deduct charitable giving from one's adjusted gross income. However, this deduction only makes sense when itemizing deductions. In the last year,...

Finding The Work-Life Balance
Finding the right balance between your career and your personal life is essential. Failing to create a good balance can be detrimental to your physical and emotional health, as well as costing your relationships. While it may require making sacrifices, there are a few...

Charity App Makes Donating Easy
Most of us want to give money to causes we believe in. But we live in a culture that is constantly distracted, doesn’t like wasting time or resources, and thrives on convenience. That means that, in order to fulfill our good intentions, we want donating to be quick...

Staying Healthy While Traveling
Many people worry about staying healthy and sticking to healthy routines while traveling. Fortunately, there are a few simple steps travelers can take to maintain health and well-being on any trip, whether business or pleasure. Careful planning, especially for...

Meditation: The Health Benefits
Meditation is a practice that dates as far back as over 2,000 years ago. Since its inception, meditation has been practiced in various forms; all of which are targeted at giving an individual the opportunity to quietly contemplate in a focused state of mind. The...